
The teaching of young children is not limited to the transmission of knowledge. Our ambition is to support each child in all areas of learning throughout their school career. Beyond the purely academic, this includes: their physical and emotional development, the expression of their strengths and their knowledge and understanding of the World.

Our interactive and differentiated teaching methods encourage an enthusiastic and positive attitude to each subject in a bilingual environment. In developing curiosity and the initiative of each child, our teaching team promotes speaking and listening skills, confidence and respect for themselves and others.

Our teachers work together to produce an individual ‘Achievement Book’ for each child. This is then integrated into a global project for the class. They follow each child thoroughly; motivating and encouraging them at every step. Each child must feel free to express themselves, to be creative, to take risks, to think, to be logical, to question, to experiment, to make choices and to succeed whilst learning at their own pace and fulfilling their potential.

The daily organisation of our mixed and broad curriculum respects the children’s biological rhythm. The timetable differs depending on the age of the children. Sport, art and gardening are held in the afternoons, according to a rota.

Our curriculum, leading to entrance into secondary school follows the rhythm of each child. Be it fast or slow and always at their own pace, it assures that they will reach their next school with an excellent level and the desire to learn.